Gym Payment Guidelines and Policies
Upon enrolling a new student into a Cheer Station program, the following fees must be collected prior to the first class.
1. Annual Gym Registration fee of $35.00.
2. First month’s tuition (prorated depending on your start date).
3. Gym registration fees and deposits are NON REFUNDABLE.
Upon enrolling at CSI you will be expected to pay your monthly tuition by one of three payment options.
1. Automatic draft through a checking or savings account.
2. Automatic debit through a credit card or debit card on the first day of the month.
3. Cash, Check, Money Order, or Credit/Debit Card payment made at registration desk at the gym. Tuition is due by the 1st of the month and late after the 5th of the month,. After the 5th of each month , there will be a $20 late fee added to your account. If you wish to drop your class, A 30 DAY WRITTEN NOTIFICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED THROUGH EMAIL OR YOUR CUSTOMER PORTAL TO DROP YOUR CLASS. If tuition is a month overdue your membership with Cheer Station will be terminated.
Every private lesson and open gym student must pay a gym membership fee and registration fee in order to participate at Cheer Station.
1. Annual Registration Fee of $35.00
2. Annual Gym Membership Fee of $100 is required if the student is not currently enrolled in a class or team to do privates.
3. Open gym is a $35 annual registration fee and $10 per class. You must sign up in the customer portal prior to open gym.
Private lesson students must pay the registration fee plus the annual gym membership fee before any private lesson is taught in the Cheer Station facility. The above fees allow the student to take privates and attend opens gyms. Students will pay their private lesson instructor directly in addition to the annual $135. Deposits and gym registration fees are NON REFUNDABLE.
Cheer Station may freeze your account for one month only, unless it is for medical reasons. We must receive the request in writing by the 20th of the month prior. For a medical freeze, we will need a doctor’s note.
All communication to switch, add, freeze, or drop a class, team, etc. needs to be in writing. Please contact the front office for class availability and notice of any change in status in your class or team. All notices must be in writing.
I understand the above Account Status Change (Freeze, Drop, Switch, Add) – Parent to Office Communication Information, and the following Yes or No answer will serve as my signature to the above information*
The following are event/holidays that we will be closed: Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, MLK Day, Easter Weekend; Memorial Day, Mother’s Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day Weekend; & AISD Spring Break. If you miss a class during one of these holidays, please feel free to make it up during our Open Gym Sessions. All CSI teams will have off a week after their last nationals competition.
All communications with coaches will need to be done during a scheduled meeting time that the front office schedules; before and after classes is not the appropriate time as our staff will may not be available. Please email any billing questions or concerns to
Arrival time should be 10 minutes prior to a scheduled class. Athletes should wait in the lobby for an instructor and will not be allowed to play in the gym before class. All athletes are required to stretch and warm up before skills work. After class, students should wait indoors after the class and are not allowed to wait outside the gym. Please feel free to wait in our viewing area or lobby and pick your child up promptly at the end of their class. CSI is not responsible for your child once he/she leaves the building.
Students need to dress comfortably for the gym so please no jewelry, baggy clothes, zippers or other items that can be dangerous for gymnastics/tumbling. Socks and tennis shoes must be worn & hair pulled back from the face.
We do not allow cell phones on the floor.